Wednesday, May 26, 2010

10 Days

Eddie and I get married in 10 days! I can't believe we're this close. In some ways it feels like the closer I get to the day the further it feels! I'm very excited and anxious and am ready to be married all ready. :)

There is a lot to do between now and then though, so I probably should be focusing on that instead of what's happening 10 days from now. Eddie and I are meeting tonight to do organize our to-do lists and figure out our schedules for the next week and a half! We don't want to miss anything and are trying to be as organized as we can.

The one uncontrolable is the weather. We're still hoping that it might clear up and be gorgeous for us. I actually don't even care if it's sunny, I just don't want it to be rainy and wet! I am forbidding myself to look at the weather reports again until Saturday (there's no hope of them being correct 1 day in advance so I'm not going to start looking now).

Until next time!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to announce that "The Dessert Debacle 2010" has been resolved. Thanks to some suggestions from all around we have finally decided how dessert will be presented at the wedding and everyone is happy! It's a win-win that only took us five months to get to!